"Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach." — Earl Nightingale We all encounter gaps at one point or another; the space between where we are now and where we want to be. Encountering these gaps can be at the very least annoying, and at the most all together disheartening, but sometimes we’re not even aware that these gaps exist. Sometimes we don’t know that there’s anything holding us back. But perhaps what's even worse is when we are fully aware of our shortcomings, and yet do nothing about them.
For years I lived by the mantra: “Don't let the great be the enemy of the good." Which means that just because someone somewhere is better than you at something, that doesn't mean that it’s any less of a worthy endeavor for you. This is wonderful advice to get us started, to get us into the game, but it does have a dark side. For years I was so content with being "good enough" that I was never interested in even trying to improve. I figured I wasn't all that great anyway, so why bother trying? Why bother risk experiencing the pain of pain of failure or rejection? So I held back and played life small. Why colleagues would say: “Go large or go home!” I’d say, “I’m just going to go home!” The same advice that that got me into the game was preventing me from growing, because I wasn't in the game to win; I was in the game to not lose. That was my gap. What does your gap look like? And how is it holding you back from progressing in life? Today I suggest that you “Engage Your Gap.” What I mean by this is don’t ignore it hoping that it will just go away, but instead engage it, making small incremental changes to get back on track. NASA reports that when they launch a rocket it’s off course 90% of the time. That’s almost the entire time! So it has to always move forward making small incremental changes in order to go the distance and reach its target destination. It’s only by acknowledging where the rocket is off course, and then making the appropriate changes, that the rocket is able to reach its target. Engage your gap. If you do, you’ll find that you’ll be able to Go The Distance and achieve even more than perhaps you currently think possible. And that’s why today’s magic word is GAP.
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FacilitatorJonas Cain, M.Ed. is a storyteller, magician, musician, and facilitator of fascination on a mission to help you experience abiding joy. Magic Words
May 2023