The most positive and happy people are those who stay curious, maintain a growth mindset, and are able to overcome challenges. The competencies on this path support these traits by engaging you in the development of psychological capital for life-long empowerment.
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SUMMARY Approximately 50% of our lives is outside of our control and we can either get frustrated by this and give up or we can get fascinated by this and build ourselves us. This module will engage you in a self-reflective journey to help you choose fascination over frustration so you can develop optimism for yourself and for those you lead. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
SUMMARY When you have a fixed mindset, you believe that you can't learn anything new or gain any new skills. The discouraging news is that this means who you are today is all you will ever be! You mind as well just give up now! However, when you have a growth mindset, you believe that you are capable of learning new knowledge and gaining new skills. This is encouraging news! Because it means that if you don't like your current state of affairs, then you are empowered to do something about it! This module will help you develop and foster a positive growth mindset to empower you with hope and efficacy. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
SUMMARY At some point we all face challenges that threaten to stop us from moving forward with our plans. At one extreme, these challenges prevent us from pursuing meaningful goals and at the other extreme it leads to thoughts of suicide. This module will prepare you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to face whatever challenges come your way with clarity, confidence, and courage by taking H.E.A.R.T. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
SUMMARY This module will arm you with the internal resources you need to face your personal and professional life as your own H.E.R.O. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
The most inspired and motivated people are those who have a definite major purpose to aim for, the initiative to get started, and who focus on intentional activities. The competencies on this path support these traits by empowering you with vision, leadership, and mindful awareness for life-long encouragement.
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SUMMARY There are some people who simply go through life aimlessly, and then there are those who grow through life with passion. When we’re empowered with a definite major purpose it gives meaning to our days and provides motivation to pursue meaningful goals. This workshop will help you cut through the distractions of everyday life to discern the authentic activities you can engage in on a daily basis to live a life of purpose, meaning, and passion. OBJECTIVES As a result of this workshop you will be able to:
SUMMARY It's often said that self-leadership is the hardest kind of leadership there is. After all, it's far easier to tell others what to do, but a far harder task to actually lead ourselves to doing what needs to be done. This module will help you take the lead in circumstances where it matters most. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
SUMMARY This module will transition you from being a dreamer stuck in the clouds to a visionary grounded in reality to turn your goals into an actionable plan. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
SUMMARY Everyone has a dream, but not everyone follows through with it—and even for those who do follow through, they may be unknowingly following someone else's dream rather than their own authentic passions. How do you know whether you have the right dream and whether you have the tenacity to see it through? This workshop will help you put your dream to the test by empowering your vision with clarity, confidence, and courage. OBJECTIVES As a result of this workshop you will be able to:
The most successful and resilient people are those who have at least one meaningful relationship in each of the three interpersonal domains. The competencies on this path support these connections by encouraging you with valuable social skills that will enable you to develop high value relationships for life-long engagement.
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SUMMARY Research consistently shows that one of the biggest predictors of success in life is the quality of your interpersonal relationships. The challenge is that while everyone makes valiant efforts to communicate, much of the time these efforts fail to make a genuine connection—and each failed connection is a missed opportunity to foster meaningful high-value relationships. This workshop will prepare you with the knowledge and skills needed to make meaningful connections with the people in your personal and professional life for life-long success. OBJECTIVES As a result of this workshop you will be able to:
SUMMARY Everyone has influence, it's just that some people aren't intentional about it. This workshop will prepare you with the principles and practices needed to enhance your relationships with the people within your sphere of influence. OBJECTIVES As a result of this workshop you will be able to:
SUMMARY This module will help you put your dream to the test with ten pointed questions that will empower you with clarity, confidence, and courage. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
SUMMARY Everyone is fighting a silent battle that no one knows anything about, calling for a need for compassion, understanding, and kindness. This interactive workshop shares principles and practices for choosing kindness in our relationships. OBJECTIVES As a result of this module you will be able to:
When you're self-aware you have the ability to know and understand your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and opportunities for growth.
Engaging in the knowledge, skills, and resources available in the modules on Mindset, Purpose, and Relationship will empower you with enhanced self-awareness for life-long growth. To earn this badge, a student will complete a project that:
When you can self-regulate your emotions you empower yourself to take control of your experiences by redirecting disruptive thoughts and impulse behaviors, adapting to your ever-changing circumstances.
Engaging in the knowledge, skills, and resources available in the modules on Mindset, Purpose, and Relationship will empower you with enhanced self-regulation for life-long growth. To earn this badge, a student will complete a project that:
When you have motivation you become aware of what drives you, what you're passionate about, and how you want to express your inner value an outward activities.
Engaging in the knowledge, skills, and resources available in the modules on Mindset, Purpose, and Relationship will empower you with enhanced motivation for life-long growth. To earn this badge, a student will complete a project that:
When you have empathy you consider the feelings and experiences of others and how your decisions and actions might affect them.
Engaging in the knowledge, skills, and resources available in the modules on Mindset, Purpose, and Relationship will empower you with enhanced empathy for life-long growth. To earn this badge, a student will complete a project that:
When you have social skills you are able to manage your personal and professional relationships in order to get along with others and facilitate positive experiences for yourself and the people within your sphere of influence.
Engaging in the knowledge, skills, and resources available in the modules on Mindset, Purpose, and Relationship will empower you with enhanced social skills for life-long growth. To earn this badge, a student will complete a project that:
Gaining mastery in these twenty competencies enables you to live life by design rather than by default, empowering you to take responsibility for your experiences rather than feeding a frustrated victim mindset.
But remember that mastery is not a destination, but rather a commitment to excellence; a process of continual practice, reflection, adaptation, and growth. To earn this badge, a student will must have completed all preceding badges and then complete a project that demonstrates how they have grown as a result of their development and how they plan to continue honing their emotional intelligence for life-long growth. |